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About Me

Willem den Broeder (Photo Theo Reyman)
Willem den Broeder

Willem den Broeder

Willem den Broeder, born 1951 in Schiedam where he still lives and creates. Discovered surrealism at a very young age (1952)!There are a number of works from the seventies but they really started to create in 1995. As a self-taught painter, he has exhibited nationally and internationally since 1997. Techniques he uses are, paintings (acrylic, oil, watercolor and mixed techniques), etchings, drawings (charcoal, conté, pencil), automatic writing, wood carving, objects, frottage, digital technique, short films and 'semi ready-mades' in addition, short automatic stories and he often provides his works with poetry. His work nowadays tends towards Conceptual art, after all the real Surrealists originated from Dadaism!



Creating and creating surrealistic (art) is a daily activity, as is following surrealistic and general art from now and earlier. Great examples are the ancient Dadaists and Surrealists such as Marcel Duchamp, Max Ernst, Salvador Dalí, René Magritte, Joop Moesman, Guillaume Apolliair 'writer' and André Breton the founder and spiritual father of surrealism, these were the ones who really have a change taken care of the traditional art forms until then, Picasso was also a great changer. (more...)

Willem den Broeder
Willem den Broeder

“Het Raam” 2020 Now in Stedelijk Museum Schiedam.

Exhibitions overview of Willem den Broeder 1997 to the present

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